American Sign Language by Catherine Nichols

American Sign Language by Catherine Nichols

Author: Catherine Nichols
View book: American Sign Language

Do you want to learn a new language? Well, learning a new language is actually easier than you might think! If you’re interested in American Sign Language (ASL), this informative book is here to guide you through the basics.

Did you know that ASL is used by as many as two million Americans? It’s actually the third most widely used language in the United States! This means that learning ASL can open up a whole new realm of communication for you.

One of the great things about ASL is that it uses simple-to-understand photographs to teach you the essentials. You’ll start with learning the alphabet, numbers, and basic words and phrases. The book and accompanying flash cards are even divided into categories, such as animals, people, and pronouns, so you can easily grasp different concepts.

Once you’ve mastered the alphabet, you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and learn more words. You’ll discover how to sign words like “friend,” “family,” and so much more! And what’s really amazing is when you see how the signs for “chicken” and “cat” actually resemble the actions themselves. It’s truly intuitive and enjoyable to learn ASL.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a new language learning journey, give American Sign Language a try. This book will be your trusted companion throughout the process, helping you to communicate using your hands and fostering a whole new level of connection.

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