Hearts Touched With Fire : How Great Leaders Are Made by David Gergen

Hearts Touched With Fire : How Great Leaders Are Made by David Gergen

Hearts Touched with Fire: How Great Leaders Are Made is a must-have in any knowledge collection. This captivating and practical guidebook by David Gergen, a distinguished figure in public service for over 50 years, has quickly become a bestseller on the New York Times. Gergen, drawing on his vast experience, presents an inspiring roadmap for the next generation of trailblazers.

Within this book, Gergen breaks down the essential elements of effective leadership and delves into the remarkable journeys of influential figures throughout history. From the likes of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Lewis, Winston Churchill to Greta Thunberg, he unravels the timeless strategies behind their dynamic leadership. A treasure trove of insights awaits our future leaders in this invaluable guide.

By immersing yourself in this book, you will acquire the tools to develop self-awareness, achieve self-mastery, and enter the world with a profound understanding of its history, with a touch of humor, passion, and purpose. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform into the exceptional leader that you were destined to be.

Embrace the power of Hearts Touched with Fire: How Great Leaders Are Made and unlock your leadership potential today!

“Leadership: From Great Men to Adaptive Teams”

Welcome everyone, good evening and welcome to the Aspen Institute’s Hearst Lecture Series program. I’m Crystal Logan, Vice President of Aspen Community Programs and Engagement, and I’m delighted that you’ve all chosen to join us this evening. First, our gratitude goes to Bob and Ann Hearst and the Hearst Family Foundation for their generous support of this program. Thank you.

Our guest speaker, David Gergen, has been a leader in the public arena for more than five decades. He has served as a key advisor to four U.S. Presidents and is a respected voice on national and international issues as a senior political analyst for CNN.

In this article, we’ll be discussing David Gergen’s new book, “Hearts Touched with Fire: How Great Leaders Are Made,” published in May of this year. We’ll explore his thoughts on generativity, the stages of life, and the importance of character and moral purpose in leadership. To moderate the discussion, we have our president and CEO, Dan Porterfield.

As we delve into the conversation, we will also touch on the value of public service and community engagement, the impact of technology on democracy, and the potential for new leadership paradigms. Join us as we explore the inspiring stories of great leaders and the lessons we can all learn from them.

Generativity and the Journey of Leadership

In his book, Gergen explores the concept of generativity, inspired by the work of psychologist Erik Erikson. Generativity is the belief that individuals in the later stages of life should focus on giving back to society and leaving a lasting impact. Gergen highlights the importance of successive generations and the defining experiences that shape their moral purpose and values.

He emphasizes that leadership is not a predetermined trait but a journey of self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-mastery. The development of character, crucible moments, and the pursuit of purpose are key elements in this journey. Gergen draws on the stories of leaders like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John McCain, and John Lewis to demonstrate how their passion, dedication, and resilience have shaped their leadership.

The Outer Journey: Will and Skill

In addition to the inner journey, Gergen discusses the outer journey of leadership, encompassing the will and skill required to mobilize a team, execute effectively, and achieve purpose. He highlights the importance of building a team and investing others in a shared vision, executing plans with effectiveness and organization, and setting goals that align with a larger purpose.

Gergen believes that leadership is not limited to individuals but can be found in collective efforts and diverse perspectives. He cites examples from history, such as the success of the Great Group Theory, which emphasizes the power of teamwork and collaboration in achieving goals. He also emphasizes the need for leaders to possess a sense of humor, resilience, and adaptability in the face of adversity.

The Impact of Technology on Democracy

Gergen acknowledges the double-edged nature of technology, particularly social media, and its impact on democracy. While the internet has facilitated access to information and empowered individuals, it has also created a stream of disinformation and vitriol that poses a threat to democratic values. He calls for measures to control the negative aspects of the internet without stifling its vitality and accessibility.

The Role of Public Service and Leadership

Gergen stresses the importance of public service and character in leadership, citing examples from his own experiences and those of inspiring individuals like Catherine Graham. He advocates for increasing opportunities for young people to engage in community service and pursue careers in public service. Gergen argues that a new generation of leaders, guided by moral purpose and dedicated to bridging generational divides, can bring about positive change in society.

Ultimately, through self-reflection, resilience, and a commitment to service, individuals can embark on the journey of leadership and make a lasting impact on their communities and the world.

David Gergen’s book offers valuable insights into the nature of leadership and the qualities required to become a great leader. By studying the journeys of inspiring individuals and considering the challenges and opportunities of our time, we can gain a deeper understanding of how to create a better future for all.

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