Iliad by Homer

Iliad by Homer

Author: Homer
View book: Iliad

The Iliad, often considered the world’s greatest war novel, delves into the intense emotions of both humans and gods. Through Homer’s exceptional storytelling, readers are enthralled by the brutal battles and the devastating aftermath they leave behind.

Homer, one of the Western world’s most renowned storytellers, captivates readers with his powerful narrative. This epic tale includes iconic literary moments, including the prophetic curse on Cassandra, the epic siege of Troy, the monumental clash between Hector and Achilles, the infamous face that launched a thousand ships, and the deceptive Trojan Horse.

Even today, The Iliad stands as a testament to heroism and adventure, unrivaled in its impact on song and story. W.H.D. Rouse’s “plain English” translation honors the colloquial language of Homer’s original work, avoiding the use of overly formal or clichéd expressions. This version offers contemporary English readers the closest experience to the epic poems once recited at banquets.

Introduced by Seth L. Schein and featuring a new afterword, this edition of The Iliad brings this ancient masterpiece to modern audiences, allowing them to immerse themselves in the timeless tale of war, honor, and tragedy.

The Iliad: Epic Combat and Tragic Heroes

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