Of Mules And Mud : The Story Of Alabama Folk Potter Jerry Brown by Jerry Brown

Of Mules And Mud : The Story Of Alabama Folk Potter Jerry Brown by Jerry Brown

The life and experiences of Alabama folk potter Jerry Brown are narrated by Jerry himself in his book, “Of Mules and Mud.” Born in 1942, Jerry started learning the art of pottery-making at a young age by assisting his father in their family pottery shop. This shop had been a part of their family heritage since the 1830s. Jerry’s tasks included taking care of the mule that powered the mill used for clay mixing, a substance affectionately referred to as “mud” by traditional potters.

The demand for stoneware churns, jugs, and chamber pots dwindled in the postwar years, leading to a decline in business. After the passing of Jerry’s father and brother in the mid-1960s, the pottery production came to a halt. In order to sustain himself, Jerry turned to logging, making good use of his mule-handling skills in challenging terrains.

However, in the early 1980s, Jerry decided to revisit his family trade and revive it. He established a new shop, employing the same production methods he had grown up with. This involved using a mule-powered mill to mix clay and a wood-fired kiln instead of a gas-fueled one.

It was during this period that folklorist Joey Brackner crossed paths with Jerry. Their collaboration on various documentary and educational projects over the years brought greater exposure, commercial success, and even national recognition for Jerry. The National Endowment for the Arts honored him as a National Heritage Fellow.

For a long time, Jerry expressed the desire to write his life story, but he never found the time to put pen to paper. In 2015, Joey Brackner took the initiative and conducted an extensive interview with Jerry at his home, capturing his life story over a weekend. This interview, recorded and lightly edited, became the basis of the book “Of Mules and Mud.”

The book is enriched with photographs from various stages of Jerry’s life, including a color gallery of 28 photos showcasing the vessel forms he created throughout his career. These photographs hold immense value for collectors of folk pottery.

Family Adopts a New Dog, Then Vet Calls Cops: Uncovering the Truth in China

Facts First: Family Adopts a New Dog, but Vet Calls the Cops

Dogs have always been known as man’s best friend, and their relationship with humans has spanned many years. It’s no wonder that people find dogs cute, healthy, and adorable. A new puppy is always a cherished addition to any family. Children love cuddling with them, and as they grow, they become a source of pride when shown off to friends.

For those seeking extra security, a large breed dog is a popular choice. Buying a dog makes perfect sense in many cases. But imagine buying a new dog and then having your veterinarian call the police after seeing it. This was the reality for one dog owner in Kunming City, China.

Sue Weiwei, a hard-working mother of four, went on a family vacation to the coast this year to relax and enjoy the sun. While there, she came across an adorable black dog that she instantly fell in love with. Her children begged her to buy it, so she did. The dog, named Little Black, was small, furry, and friendly. Sue paid the dealer and brought the dog home, where it became a member of the family.

Sue and her family didn’t believe in keeping dogs in the backyard, so Little Black lived in the main house with them. Although the dog had its own doghouse behind the kitchen, it preferred being indoors. One thing they quickly noticed was that Little Black had an insatiable appetite. It could devour large plates of noodles and still want more. Additionally, the dog seemed to grow larger every day.

As an observant person, Sue began to notice some peculiarities about Little Black. Instead of barking, the dog would growl when angry and roar when happy. It also had a habit of standing on its hind legs and occasionally even attempted to walk that way. None of Sue’s previous dogs had exhibited these behaviors.

Another concerning aspect was Little Black’s size. At just two years old, the dog stood three feet tall and weighed an impressive 300 pounds. Little Black devoured multiple large meals each day and had a special fondness for fruits and water.

The size and teeth of Little Black began to frighten Sue’s children, who were now scared of the dog. And instead of walking on all fours, the dog preferred using its hind legs to move around. It was clear that something was amiss.

Sue decided to call a veterinarian named Dan to examine Little Black. When the vet arrived and saw the dog, he immediately called the police. It turns out that Little Black wasn’t a dog at all, but an Asiatic black bear.

Sue and her family had unknowingly been living with a bear for the past two years. This revelation shocked Sue, who was understandably concerned about the animal’s potential danger. However, the vet assured her that, thanks to the family’s love and care, the bear, named Little Bear, had formed a deep affection for them.

Little Black, or rather Little Bear, was featured on National Geographic’s popular program. Eventually, after confirming that Little Bear was healthy and wouldn’t pose a threat to other bears in the wild, authorities returned him to his natural habitat.

Sue and her children were relieved to know that the bear was safe, but they were also saddened by his departure. They had grown to love Little Black and would have preferred to keep him as a member of their family.

Although this unique story became a sensation, it serves as a reminder of the deep bond that can form between humans and animals. Dogs may be known as man’s best friend, but sometimes unexpected friendships can develop, even with an Asiatic black bear.

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