Bff *: Two Novels By Judy Blume– Just As Long As We ‘ Re Together/Here’s To You, Rachel Robinson (* Best Friends Forever) by Judy Blume

Bff *: Two Novels By Judy Blume-- Just As Long As We ' Re Together/Here's To You, Rachel Robinson (* Best Friends Forever) by Judy Blume

In this latest compilation, acclaimed author Judy Blume presents two intriguing narratives that delve into the lives of three inseparable friends. Uncover the remarkable journey of Stephanie, Rachel, and Alison as they navigate the winding path of junior high, braving an array of familial challenges, heartbreaks, and demanding academic tasks. Nonetheless, armed with an unbreakable bond, these resourceful young girls discover that with the support of true friendship, there is no obstacle too great to conquer.

Authors Love Bookstores: An Interview with Judy Blume and Books & Books

Hello book lovers! Welcome to Authors Love Bookstores, presented by A Mighty Blaze. I’m Kimberly Hensel Lorenz, your host for today’s show. On this show, we have the privilege of talking to bestselling authors and their favorite independent bookstores, with the goal of shining a light on these vital businesses. Now more than ever, indie bookstores need our support and love. Through this show, we hope to inspire you, our viewers, to buy a book from the featured bookstore, attend their online events, sign up for their newsletter, and make plans to visit them in person when it’s safe to travel again.

Today, we are incredibly lucky to have not only a bestselling author, but also a bookseller on the show. It’s the perfect combination! I am thrilled to welcome the one and only Judy Blume to Authors Love Bookstores. Judy, thank you so much for being here!

Judy: Thank you for having me. This is going to be fun!

Kimberly: We’re so happy to have you here. Judy, can you tell us a little bit about the bookstore you’re involved with?

Judy: Of course! My husband and I are part of a team that started Books & Books at The Studios in Key West. We wanted to have a bookstore in our town where we could find the books we wanted and chat with book sellers. We worked hard to convince our friend Mitchell Kaplan, who started Books & Books in Miami, to open a bookstore in Key West. When that didn’t work out, we decided to do it ourselves. We found a space in an old masonic temple, and before we even had the chance to unpack, people started coming in to buy books. It’s been an exciting adventure, and owning a bookstore has changed my life in a meaningful way.

Kimberly: That’s incredible. Key West has such a rich literary history. What do you think it is about Key West that attracts so many talented writers?

Judy: Key West is a place where people want to get away and have a laid-back lifestyle, but they still want the comforts of being in the United States. It’s a beautiful and vibrant town that attracts creative and artsy individuals. Many famous writers, like Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams, have called Key West home. It’s a unique place with a lot of energy.

Kimberly: Your bookstore sounds like a quintessentially Key West establishment. How do you reflect the uniqueness of the city in your bookstore?

Judy: Our bookstore reflects the energy and spirit of Key West. We have a small but dedicated team of staff members who love the store as much as we do. When people come into our store, they feel the excitement and passion for books. Key West is a town full of volunteers and people who want to make a difference, and that energy extends to our bookstore.

Kimberly: It’s wonderful to see the support and love for your bookstore from the community. What have you learned about book selling during this pandemic?

Judy: These past couple of months have been challenging, but one thing we’ve learned is that people need books. Even when everything was shut down, we were still able to provide books through online and phone orders. People were reading more than ever, and it was heartwarming to see the support from the community. Indie bookstores are a vital part of the literary ecosystem, and it’s important to continue supporting them.

Kimberly: Absolutely. Indie bookstores play such a crucial role in connecting readers with books they love. Is there anything coming up for your bookstore that you’d like to share with our audience?

Judy: We recently had a big event featuring Jim Carrey and his new book. It was a joint event with our bookstore and the Books & Books store in Miami. It was an incredible experience, and you can find the recording on YouTube if you’re interested. We’re always hosting events and supporting authors, so be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media to stay updated.

Kimberly: That sounds fantastic. Before we wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to say to our audience?

Judy: I just want to encourage everyone to support their local indie bookstores. Whether you can visit in person, order online, or make a phone call, every bit of support matters. And if you’re ever in Key West, please come visit Books & Books at The Studios. We’d love to meet you!

Kimberly: Thank you so much, Judy and George, for being here today. It’s been an absolute honor to have you on the show. We wish you continued success with your bookstore, and we can’t wait for the day when we can all gather again to celebrate the love of books. Thank you, everyone, for watching Authors Love Bookstores. Remember to support your local indie bookstores, and until next time, be well and keep reading!

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