I Got This : How I Changed My Ways And Lost What Weighed Me Down by Jennifer Hudson

I Got This : How I Changed My Ways And Lost What Weighed Me Down by Jennifer Hudson

A remarkable memoir filled with personal anecdotes and uplifting inspiration, Grammy and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson shares the extraordinary journey of her transformation as she embraced a wholesome lifestyle, shedding over eighty pounds along the way.

Renowned for her soulful and captivating voice, Jennifer Hudson shot to fame in the third season of “American Idol.” Her dazzling breakout performance in “Dreamgirls” propelled her even further into the spotlight, earning her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. However, before the world knew her as an “American Idol” standout, Jennifer was honing her talent in the church choir of Chicago’s Southside.

This empowering memoir documents Jennifer’s meteoric rise, from her time on “American Idol” to her dazzling appearance in “Dreamgirls,” down to her remarkable weight loss journey with the renowned Weight Watchers program. Endorsed by the Weight Watchers brand, Jennifer imparts her invaluable guidance to fans seeking a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, helping them reclaim their bodies.

Overflowing with captivating tales from her time on “American Idol,” her experiences on the set of “Dreamgirls,” and the profound impact her son had on her desire to live a healthful life, this memoir is an invaluable present to her countless fans and a tremendous motivator for anyone grappling with weight-related challenges.

Hello everyone, in this article I’ll be sharing my thoughts on a book I recently read called “I Got This” by Jennifer Hudson. Unlike the usual books I read, which are mostly about fictional stories, this book was recommended to me by my Weight Watchers team leader. Although I had little knowledge about Jennifer Hudson and her music career, I found this book to be an enjoyable and informative read.

While reading “I Got This,” I couldn’t help but reflect on some harsh realities about our society. Regardless of the number of qualifications or degrees I possess, it seems that people will always judge me based on my appearance, especially in professional settings such as job interviews. First impressions truly do matter, and Jennifer Hudson’s journey resonated with me in this regard.

Unlike many female singers who strive to lose weight for superficial reasons, Jennifer embarked on her weight loss journey with a focus on her health. It wasn’t about fitting into a revealing outfit or conforming to societal beauty standards. Instead, she wanted to improve her overall well-being for the sake of her family, herself, and her son. I admire her attitude, which shines through in this book.

For those planning to join Weight Watchers, particularly at the beginning of the year when many set weight loss goals as their New Year’s resolutions, I highly recommend reading “I Got This.” This book offers valuable tips for anyone embarking on a weight loss journey through Weight Watchers. Jennifer Hudson herself was once a part of Weight Watchers and served as the face of the brand.

One aspect of the book that I particularly enjoyed was the collection of recipes at the end. I am eager to try them out in my own kitchen. Additionally, “I Got This” includes inspiring stories of other individuals who successfully transformed their lives through Weight Watchers.

Personally, I have had experience with Weight Watchers in the past. During high school, I shed 63 pounds with their program. However, I unfortunately gained the weight back when I stopped attending Weight Watchers meetings. This book served as a reminder of my own journey and the ups and downs that can come with weight loss.

As for any negative aspects of the book, I can honestly say that I have none. Unlike my previous book reviews, “I Got This” resonated with me on a personal level. Jennifer Hudson’s experiences with body image and the criticism she faced when she achieved her weight loss goals are things I can relate to. Even though I am relatively indifferent towards Jennifer as a celebrity, I still found value in reading her book.

I would love to hear your thoughts on “I Got This.” If you’re a fan of Jennifer Hudson or interested in Weight Watchers, I highly recommend giving this book a read. Have a great day!

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