Maker’s Diet For Weight Loss : 16- Week Strategy For Burning Fat, Cleansing Toxins, And Living A Healthier Life! by Jordan S Rubin

Maker's Diet For Weight Loss : 16- Week Strategy For Burning Fat, Cleansing Toxins, And Living A Healthier Life! by Jordan S Rubin

Expanding upon the concepts outlined in his acclaimed bestselling book, The Maker’s Diet, Jordan Rubin now introduces an innovative 16-week program that elevates one’s nutritional strategies to a heightened level, specifically tailored to individuals aiming to achieve their desired weight loss goals.

The Maker’s Diet: Unlocking Health Through Natural Living

The Maker’s Diet by Jordan S. Rubin is a book that documents Rubin’s personal battle with Crohn’s disease. However, in this article, we will focus on the health aspects discussed in the book. Throughout his journey, Rubin adopted a specific diet, which he called the “Biblical Diet”. This diet consisted of various healthy foods, such as kefir, grass-fed meats and eggs, wild-caught fish, yeast-free breads, raw nuts and seeds, organic fruits and vegetables, and live foods with beneficial enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and friendly microorganisms.

Rubin provides readers with a step-by-step plan in the middle of the book, known as the 40-day program. This program is divided into three phases, starting with temporary food restrictions that exclude grains, sugars, and certain vegetables. Each day begins and ends with prayers of thanksgiving. Phase one includes meats like beef, lamb, and goat, as well as fish such as salmon and tuna. However, there are also foods to avoid, including pork, bacon, ham, catfish, and squid.

27 Ways to Improve Your Health

In Chapter 5, Rubin offers 27 valuable tips to improve overall health. These tips include:

  1. Getting enough sunlight for vitamin D production
  2. Going to bed before midnight for restful sleep
  3. Sweating through exercises, walks, or sauna sessions to release toxins
  4. Taking low dosages of vitamins to avoid megadosing
  5. Avoiding fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, which depletes nitric oxide
  6. Steering clear of artificial sweeteners and sugars, opting for raw honey and natural fruits
  7. Not showering excessively to preserve natural oils and pH balance
  8. Avoiding swimming in chlorinated pools
  9. Promoting breastfeeding for women
  10. Avoiding tattoos and body piercings due to potential infections and toxic substances
  11. Considering possible risks of childhood immunization injections
  12. Reducing frequent airplane travel to minimize exposure to oxidative stress
  13. Avoiding electromagnetic energy from various sources, such as cell phones and X-rays
  14. Minimizing the use of skin care products and cosmetics
  15. Being mindful of medication intake
  16. Preventing mercury fillings for dental cavities to avoid neurological problems
  17. Engaging in regular aerobic exercise with caution to avoid excessive stress
  18. Avoiding contact lenses and breast implants due to potential infections and complications
  19. Avoiding toxins in the home, such as from paint or carpets
  20. Choosing natural fibers, like wool and cotton, for clothing
  21. Focusing on deep belly breathing instead of shallow chest breathing
  22. Taking the time to properly chew food for better digestion
  23. Avoiding plastic water bottles and aluminum food wraps for decreasing toxin exposure
  24. Opting for organic foods to reduce pesticide and hormone intake
  25. Wearing loose clothing for comfort and better air circulation
  26. Considering the potential risks before undergoing unnecessary surgeries
  27. Being cautious with excessive doctor visits and exploring alternative options

It is important to note that additional sections, such as the Maker’s Diet recipes, fasting, and the mind-body connection, are covered in the book, but require further exploration due to their extensive nature. This article aimed to provide the essential information found in the Maker’s Diet that can help readers adopt a healthier lifestyle.

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