Photographer’s Guide To The California Coast : Where To Find Perfect Shots And How To Take Them by Douglas Steakley

Photographer's Guide To The California Coast : Where To Find Perfect Shots And How To Take Them by Douglas Steakley

The California coast is undeniably one of the most remarkable intersections of the sea and land worldwide. From the rugged cliffs of Big Sur to the enchanting tide pools teeming with vibrant starfish and anemones, the range of subjects to capture seems boundless and at times quite overwhelming.

Douglas Steakley, a well-traveled author, has ventured along the entire extent of the California coast, from the furthest reaches in the north to the Mexican border, in search of the finest locations to seize the most extraordinary shots. Each spot is vividly described, complemented by clear directions and detailed maps. Moreover, readers will find expert guidance on photographic techniques, including the optimal time of day, the preferred season, and, occasionally, the best tidal conditions for capturing a specific image. Additionally, the author provides helpful appendices outlining his own treasured photography spots.

This comprehensive guidebook caters to both amateur and professional photographers alike, as well as tourists who aspire to capture flawless vacation photographs. The book, illustrated with stunning full-color images, will undoubtedly become an invaluable resource. It features five accompanying maps, ensuring readers will be well-equipped to embark on their visual journeys along this breathtaking coastline.

Photographing the Central California Coast: Tips and Locations

There’s something special about the central California coast, especially for photographers. Whether it’s the rugged coastline or the stunning images created by famous photographers like Edward Weston and Ansel Adams, this area is undeniably inspiring. In this article, professional photographer Doug Steeply shares some of his favorite places to capture beautiful images along the central California coast.

About Doug Steeply

Doug Steeply is a professional photographer from Carmel, California. With years of experience photographing the Big Sur coast, he has published several books about this area and teaches photography workshops. He is a familiar figure along the central California coast and knows the best spots to capture breathtaking images.

Favorite Photography Locations

According to Doug, there are many wonderful places along the Big Sur coastline, but a few stand out. One of his favorites is Piedras Blancas, known for the rare sightings of large elephant seals that come ashore in the winter. Another favorite spot is Elkhorn Slough, renowned for its diverse bird population, sea otters, and sea lions. Doug also recommends Sobranes, with its breathtaking bluffs and dramatic sunsets over the ocean.

A Photography Journey

To fully experience these locations, Doug suggests going on a photography journey together. Exploring these areas during the right time of day, such as early morning or late afternoon, when the light is softer, is essential for achieving stunning landscape shots. For example, sunsets are particularly magical in Sobranes, especially when there are clouds in the sky that catch the light.

Tips for Landscape Photography

Doug shares some essential tips for landscape photography. He suggests using a narrow aperture setting to capture a greater depth of field and ensure sharper images. It’s also crucial to set a low ISO and use a sturdy tripod to minimize camera shake. Doug recommends using the mirror lock-up feature and a cable release to reduce vibrations. He also demonstrates how a neutral density filter can balance the exposure between the sky and the foreground, resulting in a well-exposed photograph.

A Sunset Shoot

During a sunset shoot, Doug explains that there are two optimal times to capture beautiful images: before the sun goes down, when the golden light bathes the landscape, and after the sunset, when the sky transitions into a gradation of colors. Both moments offer unique and dramatic opportunities for photography.

Wildlife Photography at Elkhorn Slough

Elkhorn Slough is one of Doug’s favorite places for wildlife photography. Going out on a stable boat offers a quiet and smooth platform to get up close to various wildlife, including sea otters, sea lions, and seals. Doug advises using a fast shutter speed to capture sharp images and focusing on the eyes of the animals. He emphasizes the importance of patience and luck, as well as preparedness to capture exciting action shots.

The Beauty of Elkhorn Slough

This location offers a unique opportunity to observe and photograph wildlife up close. With a stable platform provided by the boat, photographers can comfortably compose their shots and capture the wide variety of birds that frequent the area. Doug describes Elkhorn Slough as one of the best places along the central California coast for photography due to its proximity to sea otters and the consistent opportunities it provides.

In conclusion, the central California coast is undeniably a photographer’s dream. With its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and unique lighting conditions, this area offers endless opportunities to capture breathtaking images. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned photographer, exploring these locations with a knowledgeable guide like Doug Steeply will undoubtedly result in memorable photography experiences.

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